Jiaqi Li

Ph.D. student
Department of Computer Science,
University of Western Ontario, CA

E-mail: lijiaqi.academic (at) outlook.com or jli3779 (at) uwo.ca
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About me

I'm a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Western Ontario, under the supervision of Prof. Charles X. Ling and A/Prof. Boyu Wang. Before that, I received my bachelor's degree of Applied Mathematics and master's degree of Computer Science both in Beihang University.

Currently, my research interests focus on machine learning and their applications, especially on open-world learning, including:

  • understanding the generalization ability (e.g., transfer learning, domain adaptation)

  • learning in the non-stationary environment (e.g., continual learning, active learning)

Besides, it is also a great experience to work with other researchers, such as Dr. Fan Zhou.

Recent News

  • [Nov. 2023] Honor to be selected as a Top Reviewer for NeurIPS 2023. Thanks to the area chairs and the authors!