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  1. Hessian Aware Low-Rank Perturbation for Order-Robust Continual Learning
    Jiaqi Li, Yuanhao Lai, Rui Wang, and 7 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2024
  2. KBS
    Label shift conditioned hybrid querying for deep active learning
    Jiaqi Li, Haojia Kong, Gezheng Xu, and 5 more authors
    Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023
  3. Fair representation learning through implicit path alignment
    Changjian Shui, Qi Chen, Jiaqi Li, and 2 more authors
    In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022
  4. Aggregating from multiple target-shifted sources
    Changjian Shui , Zijian Li, Jiaqi Li, and 3 more authors
    In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2021